Foxwood Academy

Foxwood Academy

Learning For Life

  1. Parents & Carers
  2. E-safety


The Internet is a key learning tool for children and young people at school, home and with friends. With the increased access to technology connected to the Internet comes a bigger requirement to ensure it is used safely. At school we have a number of things in place to help protect the students whilst they use the Internet. These can be found in the school E-Safety Policy.


Recently Foxwood decided to offer weekly E-Safety lessons as part of the curriculum. This uses 'Educated for a Connected World' to ensure that our teaching is modern and inline with this constantly changing digital world.  We often share E-Safety updates in our Newsletter section and we find the 'ParentInfo' link below very useful. If you have any questions, or would like to complete a course in E-Safety at home please contact us using the contact form below:

Useful Sites:

   Childnet   CBBC     BBC Bitesize e-safety   National Autistic Society    ThinkuKnow

E-Safety Concern/Contact Form

The form is used for e-safety concerns to Foxwood Academy. These will initially be dealt by Mrs Elaine Beckworth (Academy Receptionist). Please allow us a few days to respond. If your query/complaint is urgent, please telephone 0115 9177202


New free service for schools! Expert information to help children and young people stay safe online, for schools to host on their own websites.

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