Foxwood Academy

Foxwood Academy

Learning For Life

  1. Help for Everyone
  2. Creating a Safe Climate for Our Children

Creating a Safe Climate for our Children

Foxwood is a supportive and caring community, we collaborate with our students, parents, external colleagues and community to create a safe climate for our students. We value and actively seek out opportunities for pupils to express their views about life at Foxwood and how they would like to shape the Foxwood Community. Teachers and students benefit from:

  • Open communication between students and staff,
  • A pupil voice group that meets on a regular basis to discuss school community actions
  • Worry boxes in every class,
  • A virtual worry box,
  • Head Boy and Head Girl or Senior Students
  • Engagement, Safeguarding & Family Liaison Officer who acts as a key pastoral figure in school for both students and staff.


A core part of our mission at Foxwood is to support our students to be prepared for adulthood and excited about the opportunities and experiences that wait for them in the future. We are wholeheartedly committed to supporting our students to develop into confident, self aware and informed members of the community. We have a carefully constructed curriculum of RSE and a regular 'Men and Women's Group' which explores themes related to personal safety and awareness of potential risks in society. We maintain a detailed and thorough risk register which considers a student's life inside and outside of school, this is called our Vulnerability Matrix. Our Matrix supports SLT, the Safeguarding Hub and teaching staff to provide targeted and meaningful support for our students.


At Foxwood, we recognise the fundamental role that parents and carers play in supporting our students journey to success. We are committed to providing high quality, evidence based training and support resources for our parents which are accessible via our website and through in person workshops.

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Virtual Worrybox