Foxwood Academy

Foxwood Academy

Learning For Life

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Classes
  3. Primary
  4. Squirrels


Squirrels is one of four primary classes and is the part of the Pathway 3 progression route through Foxwood Academy. We are a class made up of six boys aged between 8-11 years old. We have a range of needs in class and pride ourselves in celebrating and challenging our children to be the best that they can be whilst working with us in Squirrels.

In Squirrels, there are two adults, Nicole Smith (class teacher) and Anne-Marie Walker (teaching assistant).

All staff members that work with Squirrels understand the different needs of the class and use consistent approaches to teaching and behaviour management to ensure that the children thrive no matter who is in the classroom. We work closely with outside agencies to help ensure that each of the children are getting exactly what they need and deserve as part of their education.

The curriculum in Squirrels is one that supports children in developing skills across all areas. As a class we particularly enjoy Independence and Employment which are both part of Foxwood’s Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) curriculum. We engage with all subjects including maths, reading, daily phonics, writing and science. We access these lessons through investigation and active learning. By accessing all areas of the wider curriculum in a fun and engaging manner the Squirrels shine and succeed.

All children are working towards the Key Stage End Points (KSEPs) that have been outlined for all core, non-core and PfA subjects, it is hoped that all KSEPs will be achieved by the time they are 11 years of age and ready to move onto KS3.

In Squirrels, we believe that communication between school and home is very important. Each day we fill in the children’s planners to ensure parents know how the school day has gone. Regular phone calls are also made to keep parents up to date. Staff in Squirrels are always happy to help with any questions or queries there may be. The team use Class DoJo to share photographs and updates to celebrate achievements with home.


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