Foxwood Academy

Foxwood Academy

Learning For Life

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Classes
  3. Primary
  4. Foxcubs


Foxcubs is one of four Primary classes and is part of the Pathway 1 progression route across the Academy. This year there are six students within the class; four boys and two girls who are aged between five and nine years of age.

Each student in Foxcubs has a very special and unique character which is valued and celebrated! It is wonderful to see them develop as individuals alongside their class group. All the class have learning needs related to communication, social interaction and self-help skills. There are a range of diagnoses within the class including ASC and ADHD and often the students have complex sensory profiles too.

There are four members of staff in Foxcubs each day: Mrs Helen Hadley (Teacher Monday to Wednesday), Miss Laura Wright (Teacher Wednesday to Friday), Miss Emma Gazeley (Teaching Assistant Tuesday to Friday), Miss Jess Redfern (Teaching Assistant) and Miss Alex Antonio (Classroom Apprentice).

The students access most of their learning in their own classroom which is a large space with an adjoining care suite. Full advantage is taken of other Academy facilities including the hall, sensory garden, woodland and sensory therapy rooms. Regular opportunities for outdoor learning are also encouraged both on- and off-site which includes venturing to local parks, shops, cafés and places of interest. The students also have the opportunity to go swimming and horse riding during the year.

Each school day begins with an interactive Hello session in which we share the timetable and welcome everyone to the Academy. A creative and multi-sensory approach to learning is adopted across all subjects and is well-supported by the use of signs and symbols. The Preparing for Adulthood curriculum develops skills, knowledge and understanding within four key strands (Employment, Community, Independence and Health). Within the class there is also a focus on developing the Fundamentals of Communication using approaches such as Intensive Interaction. To support their learning and encourage a love of reading, class staff create bespoke reading books which relate to our topics and are sometimes personalised for each child.

We work closely with a range of other professionals given the nature of need in Foxcubs including speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and a physiotherapist. Their input is focused and will usually result in a personalised programme or plan being devised for class staff to follow.

Communication between home and school is very important. Students’ planners are checked each day and a note written from staff as well as weekly updates on the Class Dojo platform. We also communicate via email or phone and are always happy to talk with parents and carers at times that are convenient for all. Our class mascot, Fizz, also visits our families occasionally over the weekend.

By providing a fun, safe and engaging environment the students in Foxcubs are enabled to succeed and achieve. This is celebrated on a daily basis and is further recognised by our Star of the Week award which is part of a weekly assembly. This award is given to the student who has tried their best to show important character traits such as effort, curiosity and kindness.


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