Foxwood Academy

Foxwood Academy

Learning For Life

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Classes
  3. Key Stage 3
  4. 3O


3O is one of the four KS3 classes and is part of Pathway 2 within the Academy. 

3O are a vibrant group of 7 students, who are playful and inquisitive. They enjoy learning through hands-on experiences and exploration. All learners within the class have a range of learning needs related to communication, interpersonal, and emotional needs; most of the class have a diagnosis of ASC or ADHD. 

The teacher Nicole Lindley is supported by three welcoming and highly skilled Teaching Assistants - Cheryl Stubbs (Tuesday to Friday), Daniel Stokes (Monday to Friday), and Marnie Shell (Monday's).

The children access most of the curriculum in their own classroom space which is a calming and stimulating environment that celebrates their achievements. Full advantage is also taken of the Academy facilities including the kitchen, hall, forest area, talking cabin, ICT suite, and sensory room. The students study English and Maths three times a week with daily reading and phonics sessions taking place across the Academy. They also learn about Science, Art, Computing, PE, and E-Safety. The students explore their creative sides through art, cooking, music, and drama.

Our Preparation for Adulthood curriculum supports the student's in developing the skills and knowledge to become successful members of the community. This includes learning based on Health, Employment, Independence and Community. Opportunities are taken to explore the wider community and local area, through community visits in the minibus.

We communicate with home daily through the use of planners,  Class Dojo and Email as we love to share the great work our students complete and celebrate their success.


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