Foxwood Academy

Foxwood Academy

Learning For Life

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Classes
  3. Key Stage 3
  4. 3S


3S is one of the four KS3 classes and is a Pathway 3 class within the Academy. There are 11 students in the group: 9 boys and 2 girls whose ages range from 11 to 14 years old.

Students in the class have a range of learning needs. These include needs relating to communication, social interaction, self-regulation and anxiety. Many of the class have a diagnosis of ASD and some of the students have medical needs. The students in 3S have lovely mix of personalities and a variety of interests which include, history, animals, transport, gaming, and books. They like to share their experiences and knowledge with each other.

There are 3 members of staff in 3S. They are Abbie Hodgetts (teacher), Tracey Wood, and Dan Stokes (Teaching Assistants).

The students access the curriculum in various areas of the Academy. The timetabled lessons include Maths, English, Science, Computing, P.E., History and PSD. In addition, they also access a Preparing for Adulthood curriculum which develops skills, knowledge and understanding within Employment, Community, Independence and Health.

Our reward system is a very encouraging tool for our students and helps them engage with their work and improve their behaviour. Reward points are given for students demonstrating character strengths and one student is given a certificate and mention in assembly for demonstrating the character strength of the week.

The first 20 minutes of every day is tutor time. As students arrive in class they hand in their planners and complete a check-in using the zones of regulation board. We also use this time to regulate emotions using sensory strategies, look at news around the world and develop social skills. Every half term, the students access relationships and sex education in men and women's groups.

We work closely with a range of other professionals, including an Occupational Therapist, a Speech and Language Therapist and our physiotherapist who visit Foxwood. Communication between home and the Academy is encouraged. Students’ planners are checked each morning for parental messages and, at times, a note is written in by staff to inform parents of any important or interesting issues. Staff are always available for parents to talk to about any concerns relating to their child.


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